"Currencies of Life" is about the three main currencies in life:

Money, TIme and Health.

The goal of the game is to make sure you don't lose any of the three currencies for as long as possible.
The longer you survive the higher your score. 
Losing any currency is GAME OVER!

Walking with WASD
You aim with your mouse and left-mousebutton to shoot

You start with 100$, and when you kill an enemy you get 6$. But every time you shoot you spend 5$. So choose your shots wisely and don't just spam.

You start with 10 health, every time you get hit by an enemy your health will decrease by 1.

You start with 60 seconds, you have two ways to manipulate time.

Holding down L-Control will increase the timer by one second every two seconds. However this will also speed up enemies and their spawn time. Try to hold L-Control as much as possible to prevent the timer from running out.

If you're in a bad situation you can hold L-Shift to make all enemies move slower, while you move faster. But beware this will make your timer go down twice as fast.

There are three different kinds of powerups which spawn every 20 seconds in a random spot.

Money - Will increase your money by 15

Health - Will increase your health by 1

Time - WIll increase your timer by 5 seconds

There are a couple of ways you can increase your score.

Every seconds that passes your score will increase by 1, when you hold L-Control the score will increase faster.

For every enemy you kill your score will increase by 1.

For every powerup you pick up your score will increase by 15.

There is a public scoreboard at the game over screen. If you want to enter your score, type in your name after you're game over and your score will be sent to the scoreboard.

The scoreboard only shows the top 10, so if you're not on there you should try again ;)


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Can't execute it on Windows.

I've added a WebGL to my itch.io so you can play it in your browser.


You just Uploaded the .exe, but not the 'UnityPlayer.dll' and '_Data'-folder. i can't execute it on windows.

I've added a WebGL to my itch.io so you can play it in your browser.